Cheese Burger And Fries


Cheese Burger And Fries: Order this hamburger with all the toppings. It’s a real burger that beats Wayback Burger, by a mile. House cut fries made fresh, topped with our own in-house rub, and you will wounder why you haven’t made Eastside Fish Fry one of your favorite restaurants.

Delivery Time *

Special Instructions

We Insist You Accept Your Order In Person *

Special Instructions

What If Selection Isn’t Available? *

If you select a menu item that has sold out, and you select – Allow Staff To Replace, the Staff will select a menu item that is the closest, in price and category, to what you wanted. If there is no similar selection, the staff will call you immediately.

Special Instructions

Rare, Medium Rare, Well Done *

Special Instructions

Select A Beverage *

Special Instructions

Add Cheese Burger Toppings *

Special Instructions

Add Some Appetizers *

Special Instructions

Substitutes For The Fries *

If you want Fries, you can select the first option, FRIES. You can also select No Thanks at the bottom of this section, and you will get Fries with this order!

Select A Dessert *

Drizzle For Your Bake-N-Cake Dessert *

Special Instructions For Your Dessert

Order One Meal At A Time *

Special Instructions

Please help us with information we need to deliver your order.
We may have to know the exact place to meet you, where you live. We have to know if we have to Beware of Dogs. Who to look for is helpful, like if you have a beard.
The goal is for you, your family, and friends to have the best meal possible.
Please call Us immediately if we have to amend your order.


Cheese Burger And Fries: Order this hamburger with all the toppings. It’s a real burger that beats Wayback Burger, by a mile. House cut fries made fresh, topped with our own in-house rub, and you will wounder why you haven’t made Eastside Fish Fry one of your favorite restaurants.


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